A Sonnet, by Ephraim Figueroa, with permission.
And when I think of all my days gone by,
Which seem like waves that beat against the shore,
I bow my head and heave a heart-felt sigh,
And wonder if I’ll be allotted more
By Him who in His wisdom governs all,
Or if my days are closing to an end.
And then I try the good days to recall,
And ask the Lord those days to send again.
But as I ponder things in such a way,
I tell myself, “You should not muse like this,
But rather ask of God that you not stray
From His good path that leads to perfect bliss;
The path that all the righteous trod before,
That leads us to that calm beyond the shore.”
Copyright 1998, 2022 Ephraim Figueroa