Until recently I had no interest in this oddly titled "Prologue of Ochrid." I repent of my ignorance and I highly recommend every Orthodox Christian get a copy for their daily reading. Here is a selection from the reading for Sunday, November 12th/October 30th.
The first snippet is from the life of St. Zenobius and his sister St. Zenobia. They were offered life if they worshipped the idols, rather than to be killed for remaining Christians. Zenobius responded with words we should all keep close to our hearts: "Life without Christ is not life but death, whereas death for the sake of Christ is not death but life.”
Next is a selection from the same day's reading, but it is the customary daily homily provided by the author. Such a short paragraph which contains so much!
"Whom have I in heaven but Thee?
And there is none upon earth that I desire beside Thee. (Psalm 73:25)
In heaven and on earth, there is one supreme good for the soul of an awakened man. That good is God. There is countless good in heaven, but the King of heaven is the greatest good. There is countless good on earth, but the Creator of all of this good is incomparable. That is why the soul of the awakened man asks: “What could I have or what could I desire, either in heaven or on earth, beside Thee?” Is the river necessary to the one who is brought to drink at its source? Does one who sits at the king’s table desire the shepherd’s dinner? God alone is sufficient in Himself to satisfy all of men’s hunger and thirst. The heavens are God’s, the earth is God’s. The Lord of all good is the greatest good; the Creator of all sweetness is the greatest sweetness; the Bearer of all wisdom is the greatest wisdom; the Source of all power and mercy is the greatest power and mercy; the Creator of every kind of beauty in heaven and on earth is the greatest beauty. No kind of good can enter the heart of man—whether openly or in a dream—that is not already in God to the highest degree.
Therefore, my brethren, let us ask God that we may receive all; let us seek God that we may find all; let us become rich in God that we may be rich in all.
O Lord our God, come near us when our souls seek Thee. To Thee be glory and praise forever. Amen."